Design and development of qualifications
Qualifications having an Objective and Support (E1)
Does not apply to Ofqual-regulated apprenticeship end-point assessments - See EPA3
Requirements of qualification titling
In2Assessments qualifications posted to the register of regulated qualifications will conform to the required title conventions (Condition E2.1)
They will include:
(a) the name of the awarding organisation,
(b) the level of the qualification,
(c) the type of qualification (where the qualification has a type),
(d) a concise indication of the content of the qualification, and
(e) any endorsement known at the time the qualification is submitted to the Register.
The title will reflect the learning outcomes of the qualification and it will be used routinely so that end users are able to identify similar qualifications and relate units from any source. All efforts will be made to reduce the risk of ambiguity or misleading titles for qualifications.
Where there is a change in the qualification structure or level, In2Assessments will ensure that the register is updated to reflect the changes in the qualification offered. (Condition E2.2, E2.3, E2.4 & E2.5)
Publication of qualification specification
In2Assessments provides the specifications of the qualifications it offers on the website and within its Welcome pack (ConditionE3.1) these include as a minimum:
(a) the qualification Objective,
(b) any other qualification the learner must achieve before undertaking the qualification,
(c) any prior knowledge, skills or understanding which the learner is required to have before taking the qualification,
(d) any units which the learner must have completed before the qualification will be awarded and any optional routes,
(e) any other requirements which a learner must have satisfied before the learner will be assessed or before the qualification will be awarded,
(f) the knowledge, skills and understanding which will be assessed as part of the qualification (giving a clear indication of their coverage and depth),
(g) the method of any assessment and any associated requirements relating to it,
(h) the criteria against which learners levels of attainment will be measured (such as assessment criteria or exemplars),
(i) any specified levels of attainment
In2Assessments ensures that all qualification specifications are clear and accurate and fit for purpose. The welcome pack outlines what is required of the learner to meet the specifications of each qualification. (Condition E3.3)
Amendments to the specification
In2Assessments will promptly make any amendments to the specification of qualifications it offers where there is a revision of the following:
(a) any prior requirements/qualifications the learner must have, or state that these are for individual employers to decide,
(b) the required knowledge, skills and understanding, and
(c) the level or levels which it has assigned to that qualification or any component of that qualification.
Where any change has been made to a qualification In2action will publish the revised qualification as amended on its website and within the welcome packs. (Condition E3.5)
In2Assessments will not publish any amendments to its qualifications until it has received notice in writing from Ofqual as outlined in paragraph E3.6, taking into consideration Conditions E3.2(m), E3.4 and E3.5. (Condition E3.6) Any such notice may include:
(a) subject to any conditions that Ofqual specifies (which may include conditions placing requirements on an awarding organisation as to its conduct prior to the date specified in or determined under it),
(b) issue to an individual awarding organisation or to any group of awarding organisations,
(c) issue in respect of one or more qualifications or descriptions of qualifications,
(d) varied by Ofqual at any time prior to the date specified in or determined under it.
In2Assessments will comply with any notice requested or imposed by Ofqual in relation to any changes to conditions. (Condition E3.8)
Ensuring an assessment is fit for purpose and can be delivered
In designing assessment qualifications, In2assessments ensures that it has sufficient resources to enable the assessment to be delivered effectively. In all cases this involves using an assessment designed and developed which has been reviewed and scrutinised to ensure it meets the needs of the assessment plan and the resources available to the assessor, employer and the apprentice being assessed prior to being approved for delivery. (Condition E4.1)
As a minimum assessments will have the following characteristics:
(a) will be fit for purpose by closely relating assessment criteria to the learning context;
(b) can be delivered efficiently by making them as far as possible part of everyday work and using on-line systems;
(c) have flexibility enabling allowing Centres to develop cost effective arrangements for their delivery, using only the resources which would be reasonably expected to be required or which are provided by In2Assessments through its innovative technologies, e.g. where applicable, on-line testing and on-line evidence management and progress tracking;
(d) permit Reasonable adjustments to be made, while minimising the need for them, for example allowing Centres flexibility in their delivery;
(e) will allow each learner to generate evidence that can be authenticated, either through processes including for example, signed testimonies or recorded observation;
(f) allow each specified level of attainment detailed in the specification to be reached by a learner who has attained the required level of knowledge, skills and understanding, and
(g) allow assessors to be able to differentiate accurately and consistently between a range of attainments by learners through clearly defined assessment grading criteria.
Assurance that qualifications comply with the conditions
In2Assessments policies and procedures include review and quality assurance to ensure that all qualifications comply with the conditions of recognition before they are submitted or made available.
These will include:
(a) will ensure that those people involved in the design and development and review of qualifications have the appropriate skills and knowledge to undertake the role. These will be verified by the Head of In2assessments and the Governing Committee.
EPA Manager – Reviews assessment plan and provides brief for Assessment developer and Assessment Development Group.
Assessment Developer (AD)– Produces and signs off assessment project design documents. Briefs and trains Assessment Development Group. Responds to feedback and changes design to fit, based on Assessment Development Group and Review and Scrutiny Group.
Assessment Development Group (ADG)– Ensure that design fits in line with standards, equality and desired level and refers to the Review and Scrutiny Group.
Review and Scrutiny Group R&SG)– Will accept or reject assessment development and will recommend improvements to the ADG or approve and feedback to the AD who will forward to the Quality Manager for final Checks.
Quality Manager (QM) – This could be a nontechnical person as this will involve proofreading the final stage before going to print or operational use.
(b) feedback from users including assessors, employers, and assessment designers on their views about the benefit of the qualification and its impact on learners.
(c) checks against pre-set conditions outlined in the assessment plans for each qualification and how these will be undertaken.
(d) make necessary changes following feedback and structured reviews to ensure the EPA process meets the qualification conditions of recognition required by Ofqual and fulfils the objective of the qualification for the learners.
(d) the validity of the proposed assessment framework and how this would be facilitated to meet the desired KSB’s.
(e) how In2assessments will recruit, train, and monitor assessors to facilitate valid assessments.
See Quality Policy for assessments
In2assessments will use its process of Plan - Do - Review - Apply when looking at its design and delivery of qualifications. Improvements will be made through this review process and applied to the revised qualification. Those involved in this process will have the appropriate competence to fulfil this role and will be overseen by the EPA Manager.
See Assessment Review Process
(Condition E5.1)
Submitting qualifications for the register
In2Assessments will ensure that no qualification will be promoted or made available until it is approved by Ofqual. (Condition E6.1) Any submission to Ofqual will be in the appropriate format and will be accurate and will contain all the information requested. (Condition E6.2)
Total qualification time (E7)
Does not apply to Ofqual-regulated apprenticeship end-point assessments
Credit (E8)
Does not apply to Ofqual-regulated apprenticeship end-point assessments
Qualification and component levels (E9)
Does not apply to Ofqual-regulated apprenticeship end-point assessments
Recognition of prior learning
In2Assessments will follow the requirements set out in the assessment plans of the Professional Body. For the qualifications that In2Assessments plan to deliver, the assessment plans do not allow RPL as part of the EAP process. (Condition E10.1, E10.2)