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Staff recruitment, induction, training and development



1.1 Initially, In2Assessments aims to recruit independent Internal Verifiers and EPA’s on a freelance basis, based across England. Due to the irregular flow of work, this would be the most effective and viable way to meet demand. Having a more geographically remote team of assessors, In2Assessments will be able to compete for more work throughout England and not just in the Southwest. Where numbers of assessments are outside the capacity of one assessor, then others will travel to various regions to deliver EPA’s.


1.2 In2Assessments assessments will be able to call upon the people management department within IL to help promote and recruit suitable freelance assessors and internal verifiers. The governing committee will ensure that suitable staff are selected and employed.


1.3 Recruitment of staff will be based on experience and qualifications, and will subject to the IL safer recruitment principles:

  • Deter inappropriate candidates

  • Prevent their appointment

  • Ensure that the organisation complies with legal requirements

  • Ensure the organisation has procedures in place to manage allegations against staff, including volunteers


1.4 Conditional offer of employment can be made pending the following:

  • Identity – Including date of birth, proof of address

  • Enhanced – DBS check, completed prior to start date

  • 2 References – received prior to start date (one from most recent employer)

  • Overseas Checks – (May include EEA list / overseas criminal certificates / overseas references

1.5 Experience: At least three years’ experience within the outdoor activity, hospitality or business sector, ideally at a supervisory level.

Those staff recruited for the Level 5 in Business and administration, should hold an award higher than the L5 in either business, management or leadership.


1.6 Qualifications: Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (CAVA), or A1, or D32/33 or Qualified Teacher Status (QTLS or QTS) plus at least 12 months’ experience of responsibility for the workplace competence assessment of outdoor instructors, leaders or teachers. Internal Verifiers will hold either a Level 4 IQA, V1 or D34.


Induction and Initial Training

2.1 Following a successful recruitment, Inductions will take place both face to face and online through the Inspiring Learning online training programme. Where further training is required, then courses will be sourced and employees enrolled and mentored to achieve the desired outcome.


2.2 To manage a dispersed team, the Head of In2Assessments would arrange to meet regularly online with the assessors to maintain a link to In2Assessments, but also to ensure that all assessors are up to date and compliant with the current standards, their CPD requirements and any feedback from past assessments undertaken.  Using the online training programme FLOW, assessors will be able to complete the training and development required to ensure that they are compliant with the requirements outlined by In2Assessments to be ready to assess. The Head of In2Assessments will have access to monitor progress and provide support and to chase up where required. 


2.3 As EPA’s become close to scheduling date, a face to face meeting will be arranged to prepare assessors and ensure that there is a consistency in their approach and understanding of the ethos of In2Assessments.


2.4 Inspiring Learning use an online training provider (iHasco) to provide various training modules, and is delivered as part of the FLOW training and development record system. The following modules are currently required to be completed by all employees of IL including those employed by In2Assessments.

  • Equality and Diversity

  • Stress Awareness

  • GDPR Essentials

  • Fire Prevention

  • Safeguarding Children

  • Prevent & British Values

  • Mental Health Awareness

  • Health and Safety Basics and Essentials

  • Coronavirus: Your Wellbeing


2.5 The online training record, provides managers access to see where individuals are regarding their training and can then provide electronic or face to face reminders to ensure modules are completed. Employees within In2Assessments will not be able to undertake assessments until they have at least covered these modules.  In2Assessments has the ability to add to these modules and tailor online training to future In2Assessments requirements.  These will include the policy documents specific to In2Assessments and the information required to deliver robust and credible assessments. These will include:

  • IT Policy

  • Privacy Policy

  • Data Protection Policy

  • Conflicts of Interest Policy (They will need to complete 3 years of Conflicts of Interest awareness)

  • Consistency Insurance for assessing a standard

  • In2Assessments Equality, Diversity & Fair Access Policy

  • Internal Quality Insurance Policy

  • Whistleblowing Policy

  • Malpractice & Maladministration Policy

  • Monitoring & Moderation Procedures Policy

  • Complaints & Appeals Policy + supportive documentation

  • Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Policy + supportive documentation

  • Sanctions Policy


2.6 These documents are all reviewed on an annually and In2Assessments staff will be required to retake each of these modules on an annual basis to ensure that they understand the policy outlined in each one.


CPD, Appraisals & Monitoring of Performance

3.1 All In2Assessments staff will be required to maintain a level of ongoing personal development to ensure that they meet the needs of the assessment process.  Independent assessors and Internal Verifiers will need to keep up to date with current standards and provide records of assessments undertaken to prove a level of practice competence.


3.2 Staff that are employed by In2Assessments or freelance staff that have worked for more than three months for In2Assessments will have the chance for an appraisal meeting to gain feedback and action planning for their future development.

Freelance staff that only work for a limited period will receive feedback on their work and where action for improvement or recognition of good practice is required then this will be given following the period of employment.  Freelance staff that have been provided with an action plan for improvement will be required to show how they have addressed the improvement needs, before they are offered freelance again.


3.3 Through regular monitoring and moderation, good practice should be displayed and this should be shared and recognised among the staff team. Creating a culture of learning and development that is supportive, open and transparent.


3.4 Through the on-line Flow platform employees and their line managers will need to keep a quarterly review of their work. Through the 'My Development Journey' process, employees and line managers will be asked to reflect on the following points:

  • My objectives

  • My behaviours

  • My performance

  • My career

Once this information is gathered then a face to face meeting will be held where this will be discussed and reviewed. Appraisals will be undertaken by the Head of In2Assessments and the EPA Manager.


3.5 Appraisal will include sampling of assessors and verifiers records and observation of at least one record of an assessment or verification process.



Staff suitably qualified
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