Contingency plan for all programmes
This document should be read alongside the In2Assessments Risk Management Policy.
This plan is designed to provide assurance that In2Assessments has considered a range of risks that could impact apprentices’ ability to successfully undertake their End-Point Assessment (EPA) and complete their programme, and that we have contingency plans in place to eliminate, mitigate and manage these risks. This considers the requirements outlined in the guidance from Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). This contingency plan will triggered when there is a potential or actual adverse effect that could lead to the delay or halting of EPA's
In2Assessments aim is that apprentices should be confident that when they start their apprenticeship programme they will have the expectation of completing successfully.
In2Assessments offers a range of approaches to delivering EPA to best address the unique needs of each employer and their apprentices. Some EPA’s have parts of the assessment which are delivered online or at the employer’s location. For this reason, these continuity plans consider a wide range of arrangements that may be drawn on to address the needs of individual employers and their apprentices, should contingency arrangements need to be implemented.
In turn, In2Assessments acknowledges that individual apprentices will be affected in different ways if any of the risks detailed in this plan materialise. For this reason In2Assessments will communicate directly with the apprentice and their employers where additional support, advice or guidance is required and work with any apprentices who have approved reasonable adjustments or identified additional needs to ensure actions and options meet their individual requirements.
Continuity of Assessment
In2Assessments will take all reasonable steps to minimise disruptions or undertaking of the EPA by:
Re-scheduling any affected assessment components in agreement with the apprentices and the employers.
Provide a modified version of the assessment if required appropriate to the implications of the disruption. (E.g. national lockdown, resulting in a video assessment and online questioning).
Aiding affected apprentices to move to a new End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) if needed.
Isolate the effect of any identified risk, so that it doesn't impact other qualifications or assessment processes. (This may include suspending personnel and increasing quality insurance checks of assessments being undertaken.)
As to the ESFA funding rules there may be occasions where an apprentice has been made redundant. In these circumstances In2Assessments will make all reasonable efforts to provide the EPA or transfers all relevant information to the new employers preferred EPAO. It will be up to the Training Provider to find a new placement/employer for the apprentice to ensure completion. In2Assessments will support and provide guidance where ever possible.
Employer Termination
In the event of a breakdown in relationship between the employer and In2Assessments which leads to the employer terminating the contract with In2Assessments, In2Assessments will help the employer find a suitable EPAO provider to help with the smooth transition of the transfer of the apprentice, ensuring disruption to the apprentice is kept to a minimum and all required information is transferred in a timely manner.
Termination of Contract with ESFA and Ofqual
If In2Assessments were to receive notification of a termination of contract with either the ESFA or Ofqual, and or removal from the EPAO register, and therefore unable to continue End-Point Assessments. In2Assessments will engage fully with the ESFA and Ofqual and provide full co-operation in this instance, ensuring disruption to both apprentices and employers is as minimal as possible.
If any of the funding agreements with the ESFA are terminated or Ofquals registration is revoked, In2Assessments responsibilities include:
Attending an exit meeting with the ESFA or Ofqual if requested.
Continue to provide EPA affected during the notice period, either until suitable alternative provision has been secured by the employer or ESFA/Ofqual, or the termination date has been reached.
Provide an up to date summary to the ESFA and Ofqual on the progress of apprentices affected confirming:
Which apprentices have completed their EPA, where apprentices have completed part of their EPA- and which learners have reached gateway and will need to be transferred to finish their programme.
Any issues that the ESFA or Ofqual may need to be aware of relating to specific apprentices.
Ensuring that all apprentices have full copies of their assessments to date, including any certificates that may have been requested.
Retaining all documents in relation to EPA delivery as outlined in the guidance for EPAO set out by the ESFA and Ofqual.
Making available any apprentice EPA records for auditing purposes prior to or after a termination date.
Co-operate with both the ESFA and Ofqual with any request for information.
Notifying relevant stakeholders such as awarding organisations, training providers that some or all funding agreements with ESFA or approval of Ofqual has been withdrawn.
Support ESFA and Ofqual with queries from apprentices, employers and other stakeholders.
Provide a suitable point of contact within the organisation for ESFA or Ofqual to liaise with directly regarding the termination of funding agreements, resolution and data queries and support the transfer of apprentices.
Returning to Business as Usual
In2Assessments will undertake a full review of the risks that brought about the adverse effect and triggered the use of this contingency plan. In2Assessments will identify, modify and update its policies and procedures to mitigate against any similar or further occurrences. Once these have been put into place, this will become the new way of working.
Any other variables that may occur which could impact the apprentices ability to complete their apprenticeship and is not set out in this document will be reviewed on an individual basis following the risk management plan.
Once a year the Governing Committee will review the contingency plan by applying a number of 'what if' scenarios to check the robustness of the plan and its ability to mitigate against possible adverse effects. The outcomes of these tests will be documented and will form part of the policy update review and will also be available for external review.
Contingency plan examples:
Exposure of risk
Responsible officer (RO) has long term illness or gives notice
Trigger to implement plan
When notification is given
Action taken
EPA Manager to deputise role in the short term until RO returns or RO serves their notice period – 3 months during which time a new RO will be employed into place.
Exposure of risk
Serious / fatal incident within the industry that causes significant reduction in demand for activity residentials.
Trigger to implement plan
When there is a specific decline in numbers attending centres which influences apprentice numbers and recruitment
Action taken
Maintain a flexible and dynamic workforce. Allowing In2assessments to increase or reduce staffing needs with demand.
Exposure of risk
A case of Foot and Mouth that effects travel and access to various regions of the country.
Trigger to implement plan
Where it effects the potential delivery of planned EPA’s in those areas or if it has the potential to spread
Action taken
Provide alternative online assessment, limited delay if situation is being quickly resolved nationally. Finding local (within region) IEPA’s to provide assessments.
Restricting assessments which would require using open moorland /farmland etc.